Sunday, March 30, 2008

A person is a person no matter how small!!!!

Today was our Family's Horton Hears a Who day. We started our morning off by going to our local IHOP for Horton pancakes. The girls screamed with delight when the waitress brought pink and purple frosted pancakes sprinkled with mini M&M's with a pink bubblegum sucker sticking out of the pile of pancakes. They ate and ate till the sugar hit. We wondered if they would be able to sit through the movie with all the sugar rushing through them... they did just fine.

I asked Layne what her favorite part of the movie was....she said all of it. My squirmy, fidgety 2 year made it through the movie. That was a miracle as she really does not sit for anything other than BOZ or the Incredible's.
My favorite part was the ending line... remember A person is a person no matter how small!!!!
It was such a blessing to spend the day with my sweet little ladies and my wonderful husband. I was reminded today how truly blessed I am to have my family.

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