Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Layne and Maisen at play

Here are the latest photo's of my girls... aren't they adorable!!!

Layne loves to lay in bed, watch a movie and drink decaf coffee in my new mug!!! I don't know where she gets this crazy idea from!!!!

MMMM... chocolate ice cream my favorite!

I asked Layne what she was doing... her answer hunting for worms!!! But don' t they look darling in their new sun dress.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


For some crazy reason Jeff was able to talk me into playing softball at church... I am thinking that now he was wishing he had never even brought up the subject of softball. We had a game tonight in the pouring down rain, yuck...I played rover... when the game finally ended I asked Jeff " what am I supposed to be doing as the rover?" He just looked at me. We were supposed to play 2 games tonight but the other team forfeited do to lack of players...so that means we win!!! We now have won 2 games...both games did not include me playing in them. But I have hope now, understanding what a rover is supposed to do!
Go Smokey Point A team!!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

just an update...

I can not believe how quickly May is flying by. It actually kind of scares me when I think about it... so I won't.
Life at the Harlan home is as busy as ever. Jeff is finishing up his men's study at church in a few weeks. This weekend the men in his life group are having a work day for people in our neighborhood...God has really pressed it upon Jeff's heart that in order to reach the lost... they need to have their practical needs meet first and by doing that the door is opened to conversations and can all be brought back to how faithful God is!!! I am going to give a plug here for men's only accountability groups. I have seen Jeff grow so much since joining his life group as the Christian leader of our house, as a daddy and a husband... I give credit to God who provided a group of men where they can be just that, men sharing what God is doing in their lives, the struggles that through the power of the Holy Spirit they will conquer and to spend time praying for and encouraging each other every week...Jeff I am so proud of you and am loving to watch all the great things that God is doing in you and through you!!!
Layne only has 4 more weeks of preschool that is 12 days to be exact... and boy do we have summer fever around our house. On June 4 she has her preschool graduation...I am little skeptical...but I guess its all part of the preschool experience. Today after school she said to me " Mom at 1 o'clock Avery is coming over for a tea party...could you please get that ready for us." I told her majesty that Avery's mom and I had not talked but that we would have a tea party soon. Layne is a social butterfly and always wanting to have a party of some sorts. Her favorite party is our Mango party.... Wednesday night after church we come home at eat mango's on our bed... what a party :)
Maisen and I finished up BSF today. She absolutely loved her teachers and her friends there. It was really sad to say good bye. Maisen is keeping busy with her sisters ever busy schedule of play dates and tea party's. She is always happy to go along for the ride.
I have finished up BSF as well and the Bible study I was leading at church. I am looking forward to a period of rest and rejuvenation. The girls and I planted our garden and check it everyday to see if anything has sprouted... no luck yet. For mothers day I got an upside down tomato planter... I am really excited to see how it works out. Last year my tomato's did not do so well...we hoping for a better turn out this year.
Well, I just wanted to give a little update of all the goings on here in Marysville...
I am really sorry about the lack of pictures... I struggle with computer gadgets and try as Jeff may I think I am just computer illiterate...so I will have him help me post some soon!!!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Layne and I have began reading together during the day (we have always read books but we made the big girl jump to big chapter books)... I am really enjoying every moment of it with her. So far this year we have read Stuart Little, Geronimo Stilton and today we just started the Borrowers. It has been so enjoyable to sit and spend quiet time with my ever-active, ever-moving daughter. Maisen will wander in, but as many of these books have no pictures, she will leave just as quickly as she sat.
We as a family made the decision to turn off our TV and set limit movie consumption... and I have to say that for my family this was the best decision... before nap time I had the opportunity to read to Layne and she fell asleep in my arms. It was wonderful... she still is my baby even if she growing up!!