Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Layne and I have began reading together during the day (we have always read books but we made the big girl jump to big chapter books)... I am really enjoying every moment of it with her. So far this year we have read Stuart Little, Geronimo Stilton and today we just started the Borrowers. It has been so enjoyable to sit and spend quiet time with my ever-active, ever-moving daughter. Maisen will wander in, but as many of these books have no pictures, she will leave just as quickly as she sat.
We as a family made the decision to turn off our TV and set limit movie consumption... and I have to say that for my family this was the best decision... before nap time I had the opportunity to read to Layne and she fell asleep in my arms. It was wonderful... she still is my baby even if she growing up!!


Unknown said...

Hey Cor! I just found the link I thought I lost to your blog!
Isn't it nice to read a book that isn't memorized? I found myself laughing when I was reading Winnie the Pooh the other day. It was one of those "adult understand" parts of WInnie the Pooh and Jake was not amused.

Coraly said...

That is the best part... not having it memorized!!! Something new for everyone!

mommybader said...

I may have to steal your idea and even some of the titles you and Layne have already conquered! :o) I think Alena would thoroughly enjoy reading some "big girl" books with Mommy...partly just because it would be something her little brother couldn't really enjoy yet. I take what I can get.... :o)