This space has sat quiet. It is not that I have been without words, it has been more of what words do I share. I have felt for quite a while that I was to write out the tesitmony and the story of what God has done and is doing in my life.
This blog was once about my children and our families happening, but in a day where we over share our childrens joys, pain and struggles I find myself protecting my children. I don't want to share their stuff. They have the right to a private life. That is not saying I won't share an adorable picture, because let me be honest, I have the cutest, kindest, most beautiful children, and I am incredible proud of them. But, just as my heavenly Father is a protection and a refuge for me to run to, I want my children to experience them same from me. So, long story short, I will not be wrting about them. This space is not meant for that.
What I want, and what has been placed on my heart is to share my story. The one that is still being written. I desire for others to hear and know that God redeems all things. That He restores the brokeness. That He is the mender of broken dreams. I want to shout it out that God has saved me, He picked me out of the mud and set me on solid ground. I have done nothing, but confess my need and utter dependence on Him. This is not even about me, but about My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who loved me enough to die for me and cover me with His righteousness. I owe Him everything...
Psalm 34: 1-3 I will extoll the Lord at all times; his praise will always be on my lips. My soul will boast in the Lord; let the afflicted hear and rejoice. Glorify the Lord with me; let us exalt his name forever.
Monday, June 10, 2013
Monday, September 15, 2008
156... my new favorite number
Today I had my 15 week Dr appt. Needless to say, I was very nervous, as this was the same appt where I found out that Nicholas had gone to be with Jesus. My Dr. was so kind. He knew how very nervous I was and told me that if he could not find the heartbeat quickly, he would get the ultrasound machine and just make sure as was well. He put that cold doppler on my swollen belly, and immediately found a heartbeat. A beautiful sounding heartbeat, beatting 156 beats per minute. He told me that he understood just how much it meant to hear it that he would just hang out for a minute and we would listen to my little peanuts heart, not because anything was wrong, but for the simple reason, it was a beautiful sound!!!
The Lord answered the prayers of this very nervous mommy!!!
The Lord answered the prayers of this very nervous mommy!!!
Friday, September 12, 2008
the zoo
Thursday, Layne had her first field trip. She and her classmates went to the zoo. I had been debating whether or not I wanted to go. I love her class, but the thought of driving kids to the Woodland Park Zoo, following them around, making sure no one jumped the fence to pet the tiger and then drive the kids back just made me tired. Jeff had a meeting scheduled in Bellevue at 3 that same day, so he decided that he wanted to go with her as the swing shift schedule has not allowed him to see her a whole lot. I have to say what a brave man!!! Highlights of the trip would include: riding in daddy's car to the zoo, feeding the giraffe, having a picnic with all your friends, seeing the PINK flamingo's.
While Layne and Jeff were having a special day, Maisen and I went to the Children's Museum. They have recently added new exhibits and what fun we had driving the bus, putting pegs in the larger the life lite bright, helping at the veterinary clinic and making pizza for all our new friends. After the museum we went to lunch with Maisen's best friend Tirus, his mommy and Maisens BSF teacher from last year. We had a great time eating chips and salsa, enjoying yummy enchilada's and seeing an old friend.
Today, Jeff is back to swing shift, I went back to assisting in Layne's class, Layne was back in school, and Maisen was back to her routinely scheduled play dates!
Tomorrow is the big Glen Eagle garage sale, I hoping to pick up some non gender specific baby items! Wish me luck!
While Layne and Jeff were having a special day, Maisen and I went to the Children's Museum. They have recently added new exhibits and what fun we had driving the bus, putting pegs in the larger the life lite bright, helping at the veterinary clinic and making pizza for all our new friends. After the museum we went to lunch with Maisen's best friend Tirus, his mommy and Maisens BSF teacher from last year. We had a great time eating chips and salsa, enjoying yummy enchilada's and seeing an old friend.
Today, Jeff is back to swing shift, I went back to assisting in Layne's class, Layne was back in school, and Maisen was back to her routinely scheduled play dates!
Tomorrow is the big Glen Eagle garage sale, I hoping to pick up some non gender specific baby items! Wish me luck!
Monday, September 8, 2008
just an update
We have been insanely busy at the Harlan household, I am very ready to have our fall routine in place.
Jeff has been working crazy hours pulling cable. We are so grateful for the job, but the new schedule and lack of routine has taken a bit of getting used to. He is working swing shift finishing up some school projects. Last week, he left for work at 2:30pm and called later that afternoon saying he would be home around 12:30 am. I woke up in terror at 2:22am cause he had not yet come home. I lay there debating whether or not to call, I called. There had been so many things go wrong that night and he was finally on his way home. I was relieved. I think for the most part Jeff is really enjoying his job and getting to try something new. He is my hero. I could not work at 11:00 at night. I can barely handle getting my kids there 50th glass of cold water at 8:00... Jeff if you read this I am proud of you!
Layne LOVES kindergarten. But today would be her favourites day of all, it was ballet day. They do there academics in the morning and then spend the afternoon practicing fine art and Monday is always ballet day. The day we had to pack to school a pink tutu, pink leotard, pink tights and pink ballet slippers. You may now ask her how to jump like a ballerina and she can show you. But to give you warning, she does still land with a very loud thud. Next week maybe they will learn how to be light on their toes.
Maisen is still my easy going one. She gets to go to Tirus' house to play on Monday and Friday mornings and to Micah's house on Tuesday and Thursday morning, and then gets to come and help me in Layne's class on Wednesday mornings. She has recently discovered the joys of playing games with us. She loves to play Hi HO Cherrio and the fishing game, but she cheats on that one and uses her fingers instead of the fishing pole. Oh well.
I am enjoying every moment of working in Layne's class. I love to see children excited about learning and to see teachers just as excited about teaching. It is a very contagious excitement in the class and boy are those kiddos smart as a whip. I am so thankful that I have this opportunity to give Layne the type of education in an environment which suites her learning style.
Baby news, I have popped. I feel probably larger than I actually am. I have made it to the 14 wk mark, but I still have a lot of anxiety as I lost Nicholas at 16 wks. I do have a Drs. appointment next Monday that I am dreading and looking forward to all the same time. I know that those two do not seem to go together, but if you have expereinced a 2nd trimester miscarriage you would understand.
Well in a very small nutshell that is just some of the goings on in the Harlan family!
Jeff has been working crazy hours pulling cable. We are so grateful for the job, but the new schedule and lack of routine has taken a bit of getting used to. He is working swing shift finishing up some school projects. Last week, he left for work at 2:30pm and called later that afternoon saying he would be home around 12:30 am. I woke up in terror at 2:22am cause he had not yet come home. I lay there debating whether or not to call, I called. There had been so many things go wrong that night and he was finally on his way home. I was relieved. I think for the most part Jeff is really enjoying his job and getting to try something new. He is my hero. I could not work at 11:00 at night. I can barely handle getting my kids there 50th glass of cold water at 8:00... Jeff if you read this I am proud of you!
Layne LOVES kindergarten. But today would be her favourites day of all, it was ballet day. They do there academics in the morning and then spend the afternoon practicing fine art and Monday is always ballet day. The day we had to pack to school a pink tutu, pink leotard, pink tights and pink ballet slippers. You may now ask her how to jump like a ballerina and she can show you. But to give you warning, she does still land with a very loud thud. Next week maybe they will learn how to be light on their toes.
Maisen is still my easy going one. She gets to go to Tirus' house to play on Monday and Friday mornings and to Micah's house on Tuesday and Thursday morning, and then gets to come and help me in Layne's class on Wednesday mornings. She has recently discovered the joys of playing games with us. She loves to play Hi HO Cherrio and the fishing game, but she cheats on that one and uses her fingers instead of the fishing pole. Oh well.
I am enjoying every moment of working in Layne's class. I love to see children excited about learning and to see teachers just as excited about teaching. It is a very contagious excitement in the class and boy are those kiddos smart as a whip. I am so thankful that I have this opportunity to give Layne the type of education in an environment which suites her learning style.
Baby news, I have popped. I feel probably larger than I actually am. I have made it to the 14 wk mark, but I still have a lot of anxiety as I lost Nicholas at 16 wks. I do have a Drs. appointment next Monday that I am dreading and looking forward to all the same time. I know that those two do not seem to go together, but if you have expereinced a 2nd trimester miscarriage you would understand.
Well in a very small nutshell that is just some of the goings on in the Harlan family!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
I know I already posted one for today, but little Maisen just makes me laugh.
I had a Carmel macchiato sitting on the table, the cup was nearly empty. Maisen came and asked if it was hot. No, I told her. She proceeded to take the biggest swig, finishing up my treat. Wiping the coffee mustache off she reply's... " mmm that's cold and weally good!!!"
She definitely knows a good cup of coffee, even if it is cold!
I had a Carmel macchiato sitting on the table, the cup was nearly empty. Maisen came and asked if it was hot. No, I told her. She proceeded to take the biggest swig, finishing up my treat. Wiping the coffee mustache off she reply's... " mmm that's cold and weally good!!!"
She definitely knows a good cup of coffee, even if it is cold!
First day of School
Layne had her first day of Kindergarten today. As we were driving to school, I began to cry. It just hit me that for the next 13 years this is going to be my life...I really never thought those toddler days would end. They have, making me in quite the nostalgic mood. Oh well.
Her are some pictures of Layne's first day at school.

Her are some pictures of Layne's first day at school.

Saturday, August 30, 2008
whole hand ( 5 years old)
Five years ago today Layne Marie entered our world. She was born after 24 hours of grueling labor, but was worth every tear shed, every ounce of sweat and pain. Today, we celebrated her, allowing her to pick the activities of the day.
The morning began with breakfast at McDonalds... I tried to protest, but daddy said she could pick what ever she least they make good hash browns.
Off to Big Lots to spend her birthday money. She came out with new nail polish, chap stick and some wax based eye shadow stuff. She look gorgeous!!!
Next stop Ikea. She wanted to play in the play area. So, Jeff and I gladly dropped our children off to play and we went and shopped for 1 hour kid free. Glorious!!! The girls had an absolutely wonderful time, and really never want to leave. But they do kick you out after an hour, so sad.
After so much shopping, we were all starving, so off to XXX Root beer. They make the biggest root beer floats and hugest burger that I have ever seen. We all ate to our hearts content.
Lunch finished and we thought it would be fun to walk around the Space Needle. We thought wrong... its Bumbershoot weekend. Lots of alternative music blaring, one to many people all in one small location and the clincher for us, no free parking to be found.
Layne did however get good look at the Needle and that made her birthday!
Jeff and I thank Jesus everyday for our gift of Layne Marie. She is our treasure and joy. She is the first to laugh at a good joke and the first to cry for others in pain. I see everyday her life being molded by the Potters hands, to be a handmaiden for Him. She will tell you that when she grows up she wants to help baby's in China or India. Our pray for her is: Lord continue to mold her into Your Image, may she bring Your good news to those who don't knowYou, keep her pure and innocent, may she taste and see that You alone are good, that there is nothing in this world that will ever compare to serving and yielding her life fully and completely to You!

The morning began with breakfast at McDonalds... I tried to protest, but daddy said she could pick what ever she least they make good hash browns.
Off to Big Lots to spend her birthday money. She came out with new nail polish, chap stick and some wax based eye shadow stuff. She look gorgeous!!!
Next stop Ikea. She wanted to play in the play area. So, Jeff and I gladly dropped our children off to play and we went and shopped for 1 hour kid free. Glorious!!! The girls had an absolutely wonderful time, and really never want to leave. But they do kick you out after an hour, so sad.
After so much shopping, we were all starving, so off to XXX Root beer. They make the biggest root beer floats and hugest burger that I have ever seen. We all ate to our hearts content.

Lunch finished and we thought it would be fun to walk around the Space Needle. We thought wrong... its Bumbershoot weekend. Lots of alternative music blaring, one to many people all in one small location and the clincher for us, no free parking to be found.
Layne did however get good look at the Needle and that made her birthday!
Jeff and I thank Jesus everyday for our gift of Layne Marie. She is our treasure and joy. She is the first to laugh at a good joke and the first to cry for others in pain. I see everyday her life being molded by the Potters hands, to be a handmaiden for Him. She will tell you that when she grows up she wants to help baby's in China or India. Our pray for her is: Lord continue to mold her into Your Image, may she bring Your good news to those who don't knowYou, keep her pure and innocent, may she taste and see that You alone are good, that there is nothing in this world that will ever compare to serving and yielding her life fully and completely to You!
Happy Birthday Layne!

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