Friday, April 25, 2008
worms and other joys of playing outside
Today, I finally braved my disaster of a garden... it was an absolute wreck. But never fear I have two master gardeners to help me with such a tedious task. It was such a joy to work outside with the girls. Layne has always loved to play with earthworms and today she taught her sister the joy of playing with them as well. Layne and Maisen found as many worms as possible and created a family out them. There was a mommy, a daddy, a big sister and a baby in the Harlan worm family. It was really funny to listen in on the conversation that worm family was having with one another. At one point Layne comes running over with her worm and says proudly "mom, look! I taught this one how to dance!". I look up and see this poor -little worm wiggling about frantically as it is being dangled by my beautiful blue eyed daughters fingers. We then finished our work with our first official picnic of the year!!! Three cheers for peanut butter and jelly sandwiches covered in dirt!!!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
family vacation
This week we were blessed with the opportunity to go and stay at a friends beach house. Just Layne, Maisen, Jeff and I went... this was our first ever family vacation. When we travel we are usually going to families... yes that is vacation, but this was one just involved us 4.
What a glorious time we spent watching movies, eating oreo's, playing games, visiting the beach, eating fish and chips ( well at least everyone but myself)going to the candy store... these were just a few highlights from our little excursion.
We ended our trip with a stop to Ikea... Layne's favorite store cause she get to go in the ball pit. Poor MaiMai has to watch her sister go play, while she gets to go shopping with Jeff and I. Next time we visit she will be old enough to go too and we will have freedom to shop till my little pager thing goes off!!!( off track!)
Here are a few pics of our wonderful family vacation!
What a glorious time we spent watching movies, eating oreo's, playing games, visiting the beach, eating fish and chips ( well at least everyone but myself)going to the candy store... these were just a few highlights from our little excursion.
We ended our trip with a stop to Ikea... Layne's favorite store cause she get to go in the ball pit. Poor MaiMai has to watch her sister go play, while she gets to go shopping with Jeff and I. Next time we visit she will be old enough to go too and we will have freedom to shop till my little pager thing goes off!!!( off track!)
Here are a few pics of our wonderful family vacation!
Maisen's favorite cookie...its what is keeping her weight at the hefty 27 lbs :)
Climbing to the top of the lookout tower...I did not make it up there as I am deathly afraid of heights!
Gave them these...are still wiping the sticky residue off their faces. The view from the loft of the house!!!
Thank you Milans... we loved your house and our time of rest! May the Lord richly bless your family!
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Spring has finally sprung!!!!!!
It was a gorgeous 75 degrees today...
So, we decided to wash the cars with help from the girls. They were so excited to play in the water with their swimsuits on. Layne loved playing in the water with the hose. Maisen, however, was a little more reserved but enjoyed every minute of being outside.

We then finished our playing outside with a visit from our friendly neighborhood ice cream man!!! What a treat!

So, we decided to wash the cars with help from the girls. They were so excited to play in the water with their swimsuits on. Layne loved playing in the water with the hose. Maisen, however, was a little more reserved but enjoyed every minute of being outside.

We then finished our playing outside with a visit from our friendly neighborhood ice cream man!!! What a treat!

Sunday, April 6, 2008
camping.... kind of
Well, last night was the Harlan family first experience at camping out in our living room. We had a lovely time watching Lady and the Tramp while eating homemade popcorn.
Layne thought that is was the coolest that she could be trying to sleep while lying on the floor watching a movie. Maisen on the other hand just would not sit for a second.
The movie was finished and lights out. The girls feel asleep right away, as it was 2 hours past there bedtime. I had a hard time falling to sleep, our floor is really hard. Jeff, however waited until he thought we were all asleep and snuck back to our bed and went to sleep... He woke up nice and cheery. I woke up with a severely stiff neck and back. But the memories that we have are priceless treasures.
Jeff took a picture of me and the girls sleeping... try to figure out who is who!
Layne thought that is was the coolest that she could be trying to sleep while lying on the floor watching a movie. Maisen on the other hand just would not sit for a second.
The movie was finished and lights out. The girls feel asleep right away, as it was 2 hours past there bedtime. I had a hard time falling to sleep, our floor is really hard. Jeff, however waited until he thought we were all asleep and snuck back to our bed and went to sleep... He woke up nice and cheery. I woke up with a severely stiff neck and back. But the memories that we have are priceless treasures.
Jeff took a picture of me and the girls sleeping... try to figure out who is who!

Saturday, April 5, 2008
Jeff is now a blogger
My crazy husband has decided to join the blogger world... he graciously placed a link to his blog on mine. So you'll have to check out his funny, random thoughts.
News from the Harlan family: Tonight is family camp-out aka we are attempting to camp out on the floor in the living room, watch movies and eat lotsa popcorn. Who know how it will turn out... but we should make some good memories at least. Jeff, still does not know why we should sleep on the floor in our own house where we all have perfectly wonderful beds. I told him that this is as close to camping as I get so enjoy!
We have spring break this week. So, no preschool or Bible study... we are hoping to go no where. My goals are to dig up the garden, clean the back yard toys and convince the grass to grow. ( I am not sure how to this but will come up with something)
News from the Harlan family: Tonight is family camp-out aka we are attempting to camp out on the floor in the living room, watch movies and eat lotsa popcorn. Who know how it will turn out... but we should make some good memories at least. Jeff, still does not know why we should sleep on the floor in our own house where we all have perfectly wonderful beds. I told him that this is as close to camping as I get so enjoy!
We have spring break this week. So, no preschool or Bible study... we are hoping to go no where. My goals are to dig up the garden, clean the back yard toys and convince the grass to grow. ( I am not sure how to this but will come up with something)
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
green beans....
Anyone who knows my precious little Maisen knows that she HATES all vegetables, though her dad and I have tried to everything to get her to eat them... she gags and throws them right back up. But tonight a break through. She had one green bean sitting on her said " MaiMai (that's what we call her) you eat this one bean and you can get down." There were a lot of tears and plenty of almost throwing ups but she conquered and finally at the age of 2 3/4 years my lovely daughter has eaten her first vegetable. We are so proud!
Other news from Maisens world, she had a dry pull up on all day. She really is growing up quiet nicely.
Jeff is attempting to resurrect our back yard. We decided on the last day possible last fall to rototill the backyard and plant grass...well lets just say we have a whole lota dirt and a little bit of grass. So, Jeff, Layne and Maisen began tonight the long process of coaxing our grass into growing. Hopefully, soon we can post some pictures!
Other news from Maisens world, she had a dry pull up on all day. She really is growing up quiet nicely.
Jeff is attempting to resurrect our back yard. We decided on the last day possible last fall to rototill the backyard and plant grass...well lets just say we have a whole lota dirt and a little bit of grass. So, Jeff, Layne and Maisen began tonight the long process of coaxing our grass into growing. Hopefully, soon we can post some pictures!
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