What a glorious time we spent watching movies, eating oreo's, playing games, visiting the beach, eating fish and chips ( well at least everyone but myself)going to the candy store... these were just a few highlights from our little excursion.
We ended our trip with a stop to Ikea... Layne's favorite store cause she get to go in the ball pit. Poor MaiMai has to watch her sister go play, while she gets to go shopping with Jeff and I. Next time we visit she will be old enough to go too and we will have freedom to shop till my little pager thing goes off!!!( off track!)
Here are a few pics of our wonderful family vacation!
Maisen's favorite cookie...its what is keeping her weight at the hefty 27 lbs :)
Climbing to the top of the lookout tower...I did not make it up there as I am deathly afraid of heights!
Gave them these...are still wiping the sticky residue off their faces. The view from the loft of the house!!!
Thank you Milans... we loved your house and our time of rest! May the Lord richly bless your family!
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