Here are the latest photos of us and our crazy, busy lives!!! The girls absolutely believe in living life to it fullest!
Presenting the class of 2021!!
Layne graduated from preschool... she is the one that is waving at you!

Layne, Maisen and I took a trip to Albany to visit family and friends. We had a great time but the trip home, 7 hours on a train, nearly did us in. So, in looking for ways to occupy our time Layne and I decided to take self portraits... we thought that we would share one with you.

While we were on our trip daddy was very busy rearranging the girls room... they both wanted to be on the bottom bunk, so Jeff pulled apart the beds. When we got home the girls were over joyed. They were very quick to fall asleep that night and the rule of thumb is leave sleeping children alone, but I always have to give them one last kiss before I go to bed. I first went to Maisen's bed. I felt around for her... she was not there and being the over dramatic person I am, I immediately panicked, called Jeff back and said we have lost Maisen. He calmly asked if I checked Layne's bed. No, I had not. Low and behold the sisters were snuggled up next to each other . It was really pretty cute so I snapped a picture hoping no one would wake because of the flash... they did not!

Maisen turned 3 on June 15. She was asked what she wanted to do for her birthday and replied a Chuck E Cheese birthday party with a Strawberry Shortcake, and that is what we did. She and her little friends thoroughly enjoyed themselves eating pizza, cake and playing all the fun games!

Happy Birthday Maisen!

Maisen and her bestest friend Tirus!
These 2 little ones are the world greatest friends. They call each other " honey". I try not to laugh when I hear it but every once in a while I have to chuckle.
We were driving on a country road and I looked out my window and saw the hugest, grossest toad. I made Jeff pull the car over and take a picture.
That small copper thing is a penny. Jeff wanted to make the point that this thing is a whopper.
No no he is not our pet now. We left him just was we found him.

.... and just because she is too cute for words!

You guys have been busy, but it all sounds like fun (except for the toad anyway)!
Those pictures are all stinkin cute!! I love the last one of Maisen! And that toad is INCREDIBLE!! No wonder you made Jeff pull over and take a picture!!
Hey now it is your turn to flippin update!
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