Monday, June 2, 2008

whats up...

Wow is really all that I can say! June is here! Layne has 2 more days of preschool, then graduation on Wednesday. Thursday bright and early the girls and I get to bored a train in Seattle and go see our long lost family and friends. We are very excited to get out of good ole Marysville for a while... I have been told absence make the heart grow fonder and I definitely need to have my heart grow fonder to this funny little town we call home.
This past weekend was Jeff's men's retreat. He had an absolute blast. The girls and I went and spent Friday evening at our friends house.There were 12 moms and I believe we counted that we had 30 + children in the mix.... and we feed them all ice cream Sunday's!!! Literally they we climbing the fence from all the sugar... but a good time was had by all.
I just wanted to update all on the Harlan family adventures thus far!


John and Melissa said...

Well you should come see your long lost friends in Montana! Seriously though...if you go visit your parents, we're not too far away from them. Come visit us!!!

mommybader said...

I hope you have a BLAST on your vacation!!! It may sound corny but I'll miss you while you're gone!!