The morning began with breakfast at McDonalds... I tried to protest, but daddy said she could pick what ever she least they make good hash browns.
Off to Big Lots to spend her birthday money. She came out with new nail polish, chap stick and some wax based eye shadow stuff. She look gorgeous!!!
Next stop Ikea. She wanted to play in the play area. So, Jeff and I gladly dropped our children off to play and we went and shopped for 1 hour kid free. Glorious!!! The girls had an absolutely wonderful time, and really never want to leave. But they do kick you out after an hour, so sad.
After so much shopping, we were all starving, so off to XXX Root beer. They make the biggest root beer floats and hugest burger that I have ever seen. We all ate to our hearts content.

Lunch finished and we thought it would be fun to walk around the Space Needle. We thought wrong... its Bumbershoot weekend. Lots of alternative music blaring, one to many people all in one small location and the clincher for us, no free parking to be found.
Layne did however get good look at the Needle and that made her birthday!
Jeff and I thank Jesus everyday for our gift of Layne Marie. She is our treasure and joy. She is the first to laugh at a good joke and the first to cry for others in pain. I see everyday her life being molded by the Potters hands, to be a handmaiden for Him. She will tell you that when she grows up she wants to help baby's in China or India. Our pray for her is: Lord continue to mold her into Your Image, may she bring Your good news to those who don't knowYou, keep her pure and innocent, may she taste and see that You alone are good, that there is nothing in this world that will ever compare to serving and yielding her life fully and completely to You!
Happy Birthday Layne!