Thursday, August 21, 2008

Tag your it

I tagged, so here it goes!

A. Attached or single? Married to the world sweetest, cutest, most loving man
B. Best friend? I have been blessed with many different people from all walks of life: so for starters Jeff, cause he laughs at all my stupid jokes, Laura cause she loves me even when I am seriously cranky, Jodi, cause she knew all my dirty little secrets starting the first day of 9th grade... she was my locker partner, and boy did we grow some interesting stuff in there, and because no matter the distance or time between meeting we pick up right where we left off... she is wonderful
C. Cake or pie? cake... can't stand that pie crust... gross, but warm chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream... it just does not get better than that.
D Day of choice? Thursday... not sure why but I just really like that day... maybe cause that is the day that the Office shows... yeah JAM
E. Essential item? My hand sanitizer.. can't leave home with out... and my kids, they are always there
F. Favorite color? Pink
G. Gummy bears or worms? do cinnamon bears count, those are my favorite candy ever
H. Hometown? I was born in Caldwell, Id and have lived all over the Pacific NW
I. Indulgence? pedicures, with a yummy coffee, my phone off, no kids, I am all alone sitting there enjoying 30 minutes of peace while someone massages my feet
J. January or July? January, I love the cold weather... I am a native to the Northwest
K. Kids? 2 little girls, 1 little boy in the arms of Jesus, and 1 bun in the oven hoping to make it's grand appearance March 10
L. Life isn't complete without? having a personal relationship with Jesus
M. Marriage date? July 27,02
N. Number of brothers and sisters? One way too cute 12 year old sister, one to big for his own good 16 year old brother and one "I live for cage fighting" 25 year old brother
O. Oranges or apples? Both, well as long as the apples are crisp and the oranges juicy
P. Phobias? the dark, snakes and germs
Q. Quotes? " the child heart is open to any and all avenues: an Angel would no more surprise it than a man. In dreams, in visions, in visible and invisible ways, God can talk and reveal Himself to a child; but the profound yet simple way is lost forever- immediately we lose the open child like nature." Oswald Chambers
R. Reasons to smile? Sweet little Maisen and her lisp ( she has a hard time with s's) and Layne outrageous outfits, today a red dress she bought her self at a neighbors garage sale, bright red and pink sock with her pink slip on Sperry's... makes me laugh just think about it!
S. Season of choice? fall, I love that cinnamon and apple smell that brings me back to my grandmas house and her dinner's
T. Tag seven peeps! (see below)
U. Unknown fact about me? can't stand clutter, makes me crazy
V. Vegetable? all veggies, except for eggplant,
W. Worst habits? biting my nails
X. X-ray or ultrasound? ultra sound as long as it's to peak at a healthy baby
Y. Your favorite food? I love all things Italian
Z. Zodiac sign? not even the slightest clue.. if you know fill me in

Tagging people:
Jeff cause you like to play my games!
Laura cause you too, like to play my silly games
Melissa Mcclure cause we want to know you better
Missy Coburn aka Melissa.... cause I just think you should
Jessica Edmiston cause I am sure that if you were here you would love to play all my fun games

I Know not 7 but 5 will do


MM said...

A. Attached or single? Legally single, but only for 4.5 more months!!

B. Best friend? I have many. Tim, Nichole, Ann Marie, Jen, Kirsten the list goes on :)

C. Cake or pie? Pie! I eat wedding cake almost every weekend and it takes a lot to wow me! I love cherry and pumpkin and lemon meringue pie!

D Day of choice? I actually like Tuesday. Its like a normal persons Sunday for me!

E. Essential item? Cell Phone...i can never be too far from my email!

F. Favorite color? Green

G. Gummy bears or worms? Worms!

H. Hometown? I guess its Fallbrook. I spent most of my life there.

I. Indulgence? Pedicures for sure. Also eating out a lot!

J. January or July? July - wedding season!

K. Kids? None for a few more years

L. Life isn't complete without? a Nice 1.4 lens

M. Marriage date? Jan 3, 2009

N. Number of brothers and sisters? 0!

O. Oranges or apples? Oranges

P. Phobias? the dark, snakes and midgets

Q. Quotes? " Don't regret things in life you've done, regret the things you haven't"

R. Reasons to smile? Overcast skies (better for photos), Good TV, Ice Cream

S. Season of choice? Fall, its closest to my Bday


U. Unknown fact about me? I have what's called a Geographic Tongue (google it if you don't have a weak stomach)

V. Vegetable? French Cut Green Beans!

W. Worst habits? Whining

X. X-ray or ultrasound? Ultrasounds are fun! I had several to detect my gallstones

Y. Your favorite food? Ice cream and pizza

Z. Zodiac sign? Libra and it suits me well!


Jess said...

Ok, I will have to do it tomorrow. =) Now about the swimming - what happened to you here?? I remember jumping off the dock at Foster in the FREEZING water & one particular swim in the Adair pond . . . hahaha. So - no panicking at swimming lessons because you can jump in and save them if you have to! BTW, I totally love getting reacquainted with you & Jodi after all these years via your blogs.

Unknown said...

Woo hoo! You did it. Personally I dislike these little things almost as much as forwards. But, alas, I decided to play along.

Jess, aren't blogs great for keeping in touch?