Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Last night we had Layne's kindergarten orientation. I knew that one day this day would come, I just did not realize how quickly it would arrive.
Layne was elated the minute we walked into the room. She quickly found her cubby, desk and name on the wall. During the evening the kids were given their first assignment, draw a house with your family. Oh how she could not wait to get home and work on her "report." She also got to meet the ballet teacher that will come in once a week. At this point I thought Layne was going to burst from sheer excitement! So, today our task will consist of finishing the report, and going to get ballet slipper, tights and a leotard!!!
Layne also got her passport photo taken last night. The theme this year is A Trip Around the World. So for every country they " visit", they will get a stamp in their passport. Their first destination will be China! Pack your bags, cause the Kindergartners are travelling!

1 comment:

Jess said...

Yay for kindergarten! And ballet. Syd took a ballet class last year and had a blast. I'm just thankful Josh will keep the girls - he even volunteered to watch the twins which was a small miracle! =) Yes, we have a children's museum but I get flustered taking both girls alone - Annie is wild if you haven't caught on yet! Sorry for the randomness in my thoughts here. Do you ever come to Oregon????