Today I had my 15 week Dr appt. Needless to say, I was very nervous, as this was the same appt where I found out that Nicholas had gone to be with Jesus. My Dr. was so kind. He knew how very nervous I was and told me that if he could not find the heartbeat quickly, he would get the ultrasound machine and just make sure as was well. He put that cold doppler on my swollen belly, and immediately found a heartbeat. A beautiful sounding heartbeat, beatting 156 beats per minute. He told me that he understood just how much it meant to hear it that he would just hang out for a minute and we would listen to my little peanuts heart, not because anything was wrong, but for the simple reason, it was a beautiful sound!!!
The Lord answered the prayers of this very nervous mommy!!!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
the zoo
Thursday, Layne had her first field trip. She and her classmates went to the zoo. I had been debating whether or not I wanted to go. I love her class, but the thought of driving kids to the Woodland Park Zoo, following them around, making sure no one jumped the fence to pet the tiger and then drive the kids back just made me tired. Jeff had a meeting scheduled in Bellevue at 3 that same day, so he decided that he wanted to go with her as the swing shift schedule has not allowed him to see her a whole lot. I have to say what a brave man!!! Highlights of the trip would include: riding in daddy's car to the zoo, feeding the giraffe, having a picnic with all your friends, seeing the PINK flamingo's.
While Layne and Jeff were having a special day, Maisen and I went to the Children's Museum. They have recently added new exhibits and what fun we had driving the bus, putting pegs in the larger the life lite bright, helping at the veterinary clinic and making pizza for all our new friends. After the museum we went to lunch with Maisen's best friend Tirus, his mommy and Maisens BSF teacher from last year. We had a great time eating chips and salsa, enjoying yummy enchilada's and seeing an old friend.
Today, Jeff is back to swing shift, I went back to assisting in Layne's class, Layne was back in school, and Maisen was back to her routinely scheduled play dates!
Tomorrow is the big Glen Eagle garage sale, I hoping to pick up some non gender specific baby items! Wish me luck!
While Layne and Jeff were having a special day, Maisen and I went to the Children's Museum. They have recently added new exhibits and what fun we had driving the bus, putting pegs in the larger the life lite bright, helping at the veterinary clinic and making pizza for all our new friends. After the museum we went to lunch with Maisen's best friend Tirus, his mommy and Maisens BSF teacher from last year. We had a great time eating chips and salsa, enjoying yummy enchilada's and seeing an old friend.
Today, Jeff is back to swing shift, I went back to assisting in Layne's class, Layne was back in school, and Maisen was back to her routinely scheduled play dates!
Tomorrow is the big Glen Eagle garage sale, I hoping to pick up some non gender specific baby items! Wish me luck!
Monday, September 8, 2008
just an update
We have been insanely busy at the Harlan household, I am very ready to have our fall routine in place.
Jeff has been working crazy hours pulling cable. We are so grateful for the job, but the new schedule and lack of routine has taken a bit of getting used to. He is working swing shift finishing up some school projects. Last week, he left for work at 2:30pm and called later that afternoon saying he would be home around 12:30 am. I woke up in terror at 2:22am cause he had not yet come home. I lay there debating whether or not to call, I called. There had been so many things go wrong that night and he was finally on his way home. I was relieved. I think for the most part Jeff is really enjoying his job and getting to try something new. He is my hero. I could not work at 11:00 at night. I can barely handle getting my kids there 50th glass of cold water at 8:00... Jeff if you read this I am proud of you!
Layne LOVES kindergarten. But today would be her favourites day of all, it was ballet day. They do there academics in the morning and then spend the afternoon practicing fine art and Monday is always ballet day. The day we had to pack to school a pink tutu, pink leotard, pink tights and pink ballet slippers. You may now ask her how to jump like a ballerina and she can show you. But to give you warning, she does still land with a very loud thud. Next week maybe they will learn how to be light on their toes.
Maisen is still my easy going one. She gets to go to Tirus' house to play on Monday and Friday mornings and to Micah's house on Tuesday and Thursday morning, and then gets to come and help me in Layne's class on Wednesday mornings. She has recently discovered the joys of playing games with us. She loves to play Hi HO Cherrio and the fishing game, but she cheats on that one and uses her fingers instead of the fishing pole. Oh well.
I am enjoying every moment of working in Layne's class. I love to see children excited about learning and to see teachers just as excited about teaching. It is a very contagious excitement in the class and boy are those kiddos smart as a whip. I am so thankful that I have this opportunity to give Layne the type of education in an environment which suites her learning style.
Baby news, I have popped. I feel probably larger than I actually am. I have made it to the 14 wk mark, but I still have a lot of anxiety as I lost Nicholas at 16 wks. I do have a Drs. appointment next Monday that I am dreading and looking forward to all the same time. I know that those two do not seem to go together, but if you have expereinced a 2nd trimester miscarriage you would understand.
Well in a very small nutshell that is just some of the goings on in the Harlan family!
Jeff has been working crazy hours pulling cable. We are so grateful for the job, but the new schedule and lack of routine has taken a bit of getting used to. He is working swing shift finishing up some school projects. Last week, he left for work at 2:30pm and called later that afternoon saying he would be home around 12:30 am. I woke up in terror at 2:22am cause he had not yet come home. I lay there debating whether or not to call, I called. There had been so many things go wrong that night and he was finally on his way home. I was relieved. I think for the most part Jeff is really enjoying his job and getting to try something new. He is my hero. I could not work at 11:00 at night. I can barely handle getting my kids there 50th glass of cold water at 8:00... Jeff if you read this I am proud of you!
Layne LOVES kindergarten. But today would be her favourites day of all, it was ballet day. They do there academics in the morning and then spend the afternoon practicing fine art and Monday is always ballet day. The day we had to pack to school a pink tutu, pink leotard, pink tights and pink ballet slippers. You may now ask her how to jump like a ballerina and she can show you. But to give you warning, she does still land with a very loud thud. Next week maybe they will learn how to be light on their toes.
Maisen is still my easy going one. She gets to go to Tirus' house to play on Monday and Friday mornings and to Micah's house on Tuesday and Thursday morning, and then gets to come and help me in Layne's class on Wednesday mornings. She has recently discovered the joys of playing games with us. She loves to play Hi HO Cherrio and the fishing game, but she cheats on that one and uses her fingers instead of the fishing pole. Oh well.
I am enjoying every moment of working in Layne's class. I love to see children excited about learning and to see teachers just as excited about teaching. It is a very contagious excitement in the class and boy are those kiddos smart as a whip. I am so thankful that I have this opportunity to give Layne the type of education in an environment which suites her learning style.
Baby news, I have popped. I feel probably larger than I actually am. I have made it to the 14 wk mark, but I still have a lot of anxiety as I lost Nicholas at 16 wks. I do have a Drs. appointment next Monday that I am dreading and looking forward to all the same time. I know that those two do not seem to go together, but if you have expereinced a 2nd trimester miscarriage you would understand.
Well in a very small nutshell that is just some of the goings on in the Harlan family!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
I know I already posted one for today, but little Maisen just makes me laugh.
I had a Carmel macchiato sitting on the table, the cup was nearly empty. Maisen came and asked if it was hot. No, I told her. She proceeded to take the biggest swig, finishing up my treat. Wiping the coffee mustache off she reply's... " mmm that's cold and weally good!!!"
She definitely knows a good cup of coffee, even if it is cold!
I had a Carmel macchiato sitting on the table, the cup was nearly empty. Maisen came and asked if it was hot. No, I told her. She proceeded to take the biggest swig, finishing up my treat. Wiping the coffee mustache off she reply's... " mmm that's cold and weally good!!!"
She definitely knows a good cup of coffee, even if it is cold!
First day of School
Layne had her first day of Kindergarten today. As we were driving to school, I began to cry. It just hit me that for the next 13 years this is going to be my life...I really never thought those toddler days would end. They have, making me in quite the nostalgic mood. Oh well.
Her are some pictures of Layne's first day at school.

Her are some pictures of Layne's first day at school.

Saturday, August 30, 2008
whole hand ( 5 years old)
Five years ago today Layne Marie entered our world. She was born after 24 hours of grueling labor, but was worth every tear shed, every ounce of sweat and pain. Today, we celebrated her, allowing her to pick the activities of the day.
The morning began with breakfast at McDonalds... I tried to protest, but daddy said she could pick what ever she least they make good hash browns.
Off to Big Lots to spend her birthday money. She came out with new nail polish, chap stick and some wax based eye shadow stuff. She look gorgeous!!!
Next stop Ikea. She wanted to play in the play area. So, Jeff and I gladly dropped our children off to play and we went and shopped for 1 hour kid free. Glorious!!! The girls had an absolutely wonderful time, and really never want to leave. But they do kick you out after an hour, so sad.
After so much shopping, we were all starving, so off to XXX Root beer. They make the biggest root beer floats and hugest burger that I have ever seen. We all ate to our hearts content.
Lunch finished and we thought it would be fun to walk around the Space Needle. We thought wrong... its Bumbershoot weekend. Lots of alternative music blaring, one to many people all in one small location and the clincher for us, no free parking to be found.
Layne did however get good look at the Needle and that made her birthday!
Jeff and I thank Jesus everyday for our gift of Layne Marie. She is our treasure and joy. She is the first to laugh at a good joke and the first to cry for others in pain. I see everyday her life being molded by the Potters hands, to be a handmaiden for Him. She will tell you that when she grows up she wants to help baby's in China or India. Our pray for her is: Lord continue to mold her into Your Image, may she bring Your good news to those who don't knowYou, keep her pure and innocent, may she taste and see that You alone are good, that there is nothing in this world that will ever compare to serving and yielding her life fully and completely to You!

The morning began with breakfast at McDonalds... I tried to protest, but daddy said she could pick what ever she least they make good hash browns.
Off to Big Lots to spend her birthday money. She came out with new nail polish, chap stick and some wax based eye shadow stuff. She look gorgeous!!!
Next stop Ikea. She wanted to play in the play area. So, Jeff and I gladly dropped our children off to play and we went and shopped for 1 hour kid free. Glorious!!! The girls had an absolutely wonderful time, and really never want to leave. But they do kick you out after an hour, so sad.
After so much shopping, we were all starving, so off to XXX Root beer. They make the biggest root beer floats and hugest burger that I have ever seen. We all ate to our hearts content.

Lunch finished and we thought it would be fun to walk around the Space Needle. We thought wrong... its Bumbershoot weekend. Lots of alternative music blaring, one to many people all in one small location and the clincher for us, no free parking to be found.
Layne did however get good look at the Needle and that made her birthday!
Jeff and I thank Jesus everyday for our gift of Layne Marie. She is our treasure and joy. She is the first to laugh at a good joke and the first to cry for others in pain. I see everyday her life being molded by the Potters hands, to be a handmaiden for Him. She will tell you that when she grows up she wants to help baby's in China or India. Our pray for her is: Lord continue to mold her into Your Image, may she bring Your good news to those who don't knowYou, keep her pure and innocent, may she taste and see that You alone are good, that there is nothing in this world that will ever compare to serving and yielding her life fully and completely to You!
Happy Birthday Layne!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Last night we had Layne's kindergarten orientation. I knew that one day this day would come, I just did not realize how quickly it would arrive.
Layne was elated the minute we walked into the room. She quickly found her cubby, desk and name on the wall. During the evening the kids were given their first assignment, draw a house with your family. Oh how she could not wait to get home and work on her "report." She also got to meet the ballet teacher that will come in once a week. At this point I thought Layne was going to burst from sheer excitement! So, today our task will consist of finishing the report, and going to get ballet slipper, tights and a leotard!!!
Layne also got her passport photo taken last night. The theme this year is A Trip Around the World. So for every country they " visit", they will get a stamp in their passport. Their first destination will be China! Pack your bags, cause the Kindergartners are travelling!
Layne was elated the minute we walked into the room. She quickly found her cubby, desk and name on the wall. During the evening the kids were given their first assignment, draw a house with your family. Oh how she could not wait to get home and work on her "report." She also got to meet the ballet teacher that will come in once a week. At this point I thought Layne was going to burst from sheer excitement! So, today our task will consist of finishing the report, and going to get ballet slipper, tights and a leotard!!!
Layne also got her passport photo taken last night. The theme this year is A Trip Around the World. So for every country they " visit", they will get a stamp in their passport. Their first destination will be China! Pack your bags, cause the Kindergartners are travelling!
Monday, August 25, 2008
We told the girls....
Yesterday, Jeff and I told the girls about the new baby. Maisen did not really get it. Layne, however, did not take the news well at all. She teared up and lost control. It was hard to watch her react in that manner, but I also understood that she is still dealing with the loss of Nicholas. During church, she leaned over and asked her dad "if when the new baby comes, will it have a heartbeat and live?". So, if you could pray for peace in Layne's heart and that we would have wisdom in addressing the questions that Layne raises.
In other news, Jeff worked a total of 57 hours this last week and add the 3 hour commute to and from work, he was gone a grand total of 71 hours. Pour guy, he is such a trooper and never complains one bit about it. I think he enjoys his car ride as he has downloaded Mack Driscoll sermons and get to listen to them everyday. It makes Seattle traffic bearable.
Count down is on at our house for school to start. Everyone is ready to get back to routine and day to day schedules. So we have many plans this week to enjoy our freedom to play when ever we want, cause starting next week that will not be the case... yeah!!!!
if you felt like my blog was missing something...Amy Grant had to go
In other news, Jeff worked a total of 57 hours this last week and add the 3 hour commute to and from work, he was gone a grand total of 71 hours. Pour guy, he is such a trooper and never complains one bit about it. I think he enjoys his car ride as he has downloaded Mack Driscoll sermons and get to listen to them everyday. It makes Seattle traffic bearable.
Count down is on at our house for school to start. Everyone is ready to get back to routine and day to day schedules. So we have many plans this week to enjoy our freedom to play when ever we want, cause starting next week that will not be the case... yeah!!!!
if you felt like my blog was missing something...Amy Grant had to go
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Tag your it
I tagged, so here it goes!
A. Attached or single? Married to the world sweetest, cutest, most loving man
B. Best friend? I have been blessed with many different people from all walks of life: so for starters Jeff, cause he laughs at all my stupid jokes, Laura cause she loves me even when I am seriously cranky, Jodi, cause she knew all my dirty little secrets starting the first day of 9th grade... she was my locker partner, and boy did we grow some interesting stuff in there, and because no matter the distance or time between meeting we pick up right where we left off... she is wonderful
C. Cake or pie? cake... can't stand that pie crust... gross, but warm chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream... it just does not get better than that.
D Day of choice? Thursday... not sure why but I just really like that day... maybe cause that is the day that the Office shows... yeah JAM
E. Essential item? My hand sanitizer.. can't leave home with out... and my kids, they are always there
F. Favorite color? Pink
G. Gummy bears or worms? do cinnamon bears count, those are my favorite candy ever
H. Hometown? I was born in Caldwell, Id and have lived all over the Pacific NW
I. Indulgence? pedicures, with a yummy coffee, my phone off, no kids, I am all alone sitting there enjoying 30 minutes of peace while someone massages my feet
J. January or July? January, I love the cold weather... I am a native to the Northwest
K. Kids? 2 little girls, 1 little boy in the arms of Jesus, and 1 bun in the oven hoping to make it's grand appearance March 10
L. Life isn't complete without? having a personal relationship with Jesus
M. Marriage date? July 27,02
N. Number of brothers and sisters? One way too cute 12 year old sister, one to big for his own good 16 year old brother and one "I live for cage fighting" 25 year old brother
O. Oranges or apples? Both, well as long as the apples are crisp and the oranges juicy
P. Phobias? the dark, snakes and germs
Q. Quotes? " the child heart is open to any and all avenues: an Angel would no more surprise it than a man. In dreams, in visions, in visible and invisible ways, God can talk and reveal Himself to a child; but the profound yet simple way is lost forever- immediately we lose the open child like nature." Oswald Chambers
R. Reasons to smile? Sweet little Maisen and her lisp ( she has a hard time with s's) and Layne outrageous outfits, today a red dress she bought her self at a neighbors garage sale, bright red and pink sock with her pink slip on Sperry's... makes me laugh just think about it!
S. Season of choice? fall, I love that cinnamon and apple smell that brings me back to my grandmas house and her dinner's
T. Tag seven peeps! (see below)
U. Unknown fact about me? can't stand clutter, makes me crazy
V. Vegetable? all veggies, except for eggplant,
W. Worst habits? biting my nails
X. X-ray or ultrasound? ultra sound as long as it's to peak at a healthy baby
Y. Your favorite food? I love all things Italian
Z. Zodiac sign? not even the slightest clue.. if you know fill me in
Tagging people:
Jeff cause you like to play my games!
Laura cause you too, like to play my silly games
Melissa Mcclure cause we want to know you better
Missy Coburn aka Melissa.... cause I just think you should
Jessica Edmiston cause I am sure that if you were here you would love to play all my fun games
I Know not 7 but 5 will do
A. Attached or single? Married to the world sweetest, cutest, most loving man
B. Best friend? I have been blessed with many different people from all walks of life: so for starters Jeff, cause he laughs at all my stupid jokes, Laura cause she loves me even when I am seriously cranky, Jodi, cause she knew all my dirty little secrets starting the first day of 9th grade... she was my locker partner, and boy did we grow some interesting stuff in there, and because no matter the distance or time between meeting we pick up right where we left off... she is wonderful
C. Cake or pie? cake... can't stand that pie crust... gross, but warm chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream... it just does not get better than that.
D Day of choice? Thursday... not sure why but I just really like that day... maybe cause that is the day that the Office shows... yeah JAM
E. Essential item? My hand sanitizer.. can't leave home with out... and my kids, they are always there
F. Favorite color? Pink
G. Gummy bears or worms? do cinnamon bears count, those are my favorite candy ever
H. Hometown? I was born in Caldwell, Id and have lived all over the Pacific NW
I. Indulgence? pedicures, with a yummy coffee, my phone off, no kids, I am all alone sitting there enjoying 30 minutes of peace while someone massages my feet
J. January or July? January, I love the cold weather... I am a native to the Northwest
K. Kids? 2 little girls, 1 little boy in the arms of Jesus, and 1 bun in the oven hoping to make it's grand appearance March 10
L. Life isn't complete without? having a personal relationship with Jesus
M. Marriage date? July 27,02
N. Number of brothers and sisters? One way too cute 12 year old sister, one to big for his own good 16 year old brother and one "I live for cage fighting" 25 year old brother
O. Oranges or apples? Both, well as long as the apples are crisp and the oranges juicy
P. Phobias? the dark, snakes and germs
Q. Quotes? " the child heart is open to any and all avenues: an Angel would no more surprise it than a man. In dreams, in visions, in visible and invisible ways, God can talk and reveal Himself to a child; but the profound yet simple way is lost forever- immediately we lose the open child like nature." Oswald Chambers
R. Reasons to smile? Sweet little Maisen and her lisp ( she has a hard time with s's) and Layne outrageous outfits, today a red dress she bought her self at a neighbors garage sale, bright red and pink sock with her pink slip on Sperry's... makes me laugh just think about it!
S. Season of choice? fall, I love that cinnamon and apple smell that brings me back to my grandmas house and her dinner's
T. Tag seven peeps! (see below)
U. Unknown fact about me? can't stand clutter, makes me crazy
V. Vegetable? all veggies, except for eggplant,
W. Worst habits? biting my nails
X. X-ray or ultrasound? ultra sound as long as it's to peak at a healthy baby
Y. Your favorite food? I love all things Italian
Z. Zodiac sign? not even the slightest clue.. if you know fill me in
Tagging people:
Jeff cause you like to play my games!
Laura cause you too, like to play my silly games
Melissa Mcclure cause we want to know you better
Missy Coburn aka Melissa.... cause I just think you should
Jessica Edmiston cause I am sure that if you were here you would love to play all my fun games
I Know not 7 but 5 will do
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Today, Jeff and Layne were having a discussion about preparing for Sabbath rest. Layne posed the question "why do we have Sabbath rest?". I told her the story of creation again and placed more emphasis on the 7th day when God rested. She sat there quietly pondering what we had just discussed and then without missing a beat she asked how could that be, cause God never rest, He is always there anytime night or day! Hmm, what a smart girl.
The conversation ended by an interruption from her sister, but it floored me at how her brain was working and that she knows her Heavenly Father is there always.
I need to sit down and try to explain that God was modeling for us what Sabbath rest would be, but this is where I struggle as a mom, how do I word doctrine and biblical truths is such a way that she will grasp it. I know the answer to my problem is take it to the Lord in prayer. So, I will.
I'll let you know how the rest of the conversation turns out!
Enjoy your Sabbath rest!
The conversation ended by an interruption from her sister, but it floored me at how her brain was working and that she knows her Heavenly Father is there always.
I need to sit down and try to explain that God was modeling for us what Sabbath rest would be, but this is where I struggle as a mom, how do I word doctrine and biblical truths is such a way that she will grasp it. I know the answer to my problem is take it to the Lord in prayer. So, I will.
I'll let you know how the rest of the conversation turns out!
Enjoy your Sabbath rest!
Friday, August 15, 2008
Praise the Lord
I found out this afternoon I have insurance, so do the girls!!!
This is a huge weight taken off my shoulders. God is so faithful to provide all of our needs!
This is a huge weight taken off my shoulders. God is so faithful to provide all of our needs!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
this is for you Jaime
Last night I was at a baby shower and the party had began to break up and people we just lingering visiting. A few of my friends wanted to know the status of Jeff's job, Layne's ability to go to private school and just how I was doing. I was doing my best to answer the questions without having to go deep. Vulnerability is not my strong suit, I firmly believe in self preservation at all cost... then it hit. How can I fully express the great things that God has done with out telling just how in dire need I am for Him to come and rescue me!
So, here it goes... I am going to tell you the good, the really good and the thing that scares me the most. I don't want to hide, for I want God to be glorified in and through my life.
About 3 weeks ago ,as you all know, Jeff lost his job. Our hearts were broken, yet hopefully optimistic that this was the Lord allowing us to move back to be near our families. That has not been the case. It has been shown to us over and over again that this is where God would have our family be. There was some disappointment, but also anticipation to see what great things God has in store for our family.
Layne will be going to The Legacy Academy. This was a desire of both Jeff's and my heart, but with the loss of his job and the gaining a new job with less pay we thought that it was out of the question. God was faithful was again. We contacted the school and let them know our situation and waited. Principal Aaron called wrote us back and said they were looking to hire an aide in Layne's class, it would be 2 hour, 5 days a week and if I wanted it the job was mine. Wow, yes I wanted it, that would help out greatly... then came the best news! Doing this would completely cover our tuition bill. Once again I saw God clearly orchestrating His good and perfect will in my family's life.
I mentioned there was something that scares me....well here it goes. Even sitting here trying to write this sentence out I want to through up but I need to tell . I am 10 weeks pregnant.
I am nervous, will I lose this one like I lost Nicholas, will the stress of my life cause any difficulties for my pregnancy. We also found out we don't have insurance and how do we have a baby with no insurance. I am trying every minute of every day to place my faith firmly in the One who holds my tomorrows...easier said than done, but I want at the end of this journey I am on to give praise to God for His faithful provision.
Please be praying for guidance and wisdom, and for God's provision for health insurance.
Thank you for all of those who have supported us through this experience, you are our treasures and gifts from God!
Ps we have not yet told the girls about the upcoming baby yet, so please do not say anything to them... we will tell them once I have been to the Dr and had everything checked.
So, here it goes... I am going to tell you the good, the really good and the thing that scares me the most. I don't want to hide, for I want God to be glorified in and through my life.
About 3 weeks ago ,as you all know, Jeff lost his job. Our hearts were broken, yet hopefully optimistic that this was the Lord allowing us to move back to be near our families. That has not been the case. It has been shown to us over and over again that this is where God would have our family be. There was some disappointment, but also anticipation to see what great things God has in store for our family.
Layne will be going to The Legacy Academy. This was a desire of both Jeff's and my heart, but with the loss of his job and the gaining a new job with less pay we thought that it was out of the question. God was faithful was again. We contacted the school and let them know our situation and waited. Principal Aaron called wrote us back and said they were looking to hire an aide in Layne's class, it would be 2 hour, 5 days a week and if I wanted it the job was mine. Wow, yes I wanted it, that would help out greatly... then came the best news! Doing this would completely cover our tuition bill. Once again I saw God clearly orchestrating His good and perfect will in my family's life.
I mentioned there was something that scares me....well here it goes. Even sitting here trying to write this sentence out I want to through up but I need to tell . I am 10 weeks pregnant.
I am nervous, will I lose this one like I lost Nicholas, will the stress of my life cause any difficulties for my pregnancy. We also found out we don't have insurance and how do we have a baby with no insurance. I am trying every minute of every day to place my faith firmly in the One who holds my tomorrows...easier said than done, but I want at the end of this journey I am on to give praise to God for His faithful provision.
Please be praying for guidance and wisdom, and for God's provision for health insurance.
Thank you for all of those who have supported us through this experience, you are our treasures and gifts from God!
Ps we have not yet told the girls about the upcoming baby yet, so please do not say anything to them... we will tell them once I have been to the Dr and had everything checked.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
My Utmost for His Highest!!!
This was written by Oswald Chambers, but truth, wisdom and insight can be found in his writing . My perspective of Jeff losing his job are changing, realizing that no matter the circumstance God is at work and I am to rely on Him for all things....with that said I wanted to share today's reading !
God called Jesus Christ to what seemed absolute disaster. And Jesus called His disciples to see Him put to death, leading every one of them to the place where their hearts were broken. His life was an absolute failure from every standpoint except God's. But what seemed to be a failure from man's standpoint was triumph from God's standpoint, because God's purpose is never the same as man's purpose.
This bewildering call of God comes into our lives as well. The call of God can never be understood absolutely or explained externally; it is a call that can only be perceived and understood internally by our true inner nature. The call of God is like the call of the sea - no one hears it except the person who has the nature of the sea in him. What God calls us to cannot be definitely stated, because His call is simply to be His friend to accomplish His own purposes. Our real test is in truly believing that God knows what He desires. The things that happen, do not happen by chance- they happen entirely by the decree of God. God is sovereignly working out His own purposes.
If we are in fellowship and oneness with God and recognize that He is taking us into His purposes, then we will no longer strive to find out what His purposes are. As we grow in the Christian life, it becomes simpler to us, because we are less inclined to say " I wonder why God allowed this or that?" And we begin to see what compelling purpose of God lies behind everything in life, and that God is divinely shaping us into oneness with that purpose. A Christian is someone who trusts in the knowledge and the wisdom of God, not his own abilities. If we have a purpose of our own, it destroys the simplicity and the calm,relaxed pace which should be characteristics of the children of God.
note- I highlighted the parts the struck, made me feel uncomfortable, forced me to examine my own self reliance and how little I trust Him. He is changing me!
God called Jesus Christ to what seemed absolute disaster. And Jesus called His disciples to see Him put to death, leading every one of them to the place where their hearts were broken. His life was an absolute failure from every standpoint except God's. But what seemed to be a failure from man's standpoint was triumph from God's standpoint, because God's purpose is never the same as man's purpose.
This bewildering call of God comes into our lives as well. The call of God can never be understood absolutely or explained externally; it is a call that can only be perceived and understood internally by our true inner nature. The call of God is like the call of the sea - no one hears it except the person who has the nature of the sea in him. What God calls us to cannot be definitely stated, because His call is simply to be His friend to accomplish His own purposes. Our real test is in truly believing that God knows what He desires. The things that happen, do not happen by chance- they happen entirely by the decree of God. God is sovereignly working out His own purposes.
If we are in fellowship and oneness with God and recognize that He is taking us into His purposes, then we will no longer strive to find out what His purposes are. As we grow in the Christian life, it becomes simpler to us, because we are less inclined to say " I wonder why God allowed this or that?" And we begin to see what compelling purpose of God lies behind everything in life, and that God is divinely shaping us into oneness with that purpose. A Christian is someone who trusts in the knowledge and the wisdom of God, not his own abilities. If we have a purpose of our own, it destroys the simplicity and the calm,relaxed pace which should be characteristics of the children of God.
note- I highlighted the parts the struck, made me feel uncomfortable, forced me to examine my own self reliance and how little I trust Him. He is changing me!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Family Fun
This past weekend was my extended family's Wall Family Round Up!!
We had such a relaxing time getting away and here is Layne proving just how wonderful it was:
We had such a relaxing time getting away and here is Layne proving just how wonderful it was:
Darlin giving a massage in the middle of the yard!

Layne was in the water from 10:00 am till 4:00 pm when we had to drag her from the lake. Her lips were starting to turn blue... not good!

God is so faithful to provide for us each and every day!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Our adventures
This week the girls have been at VBS .... and wow are they having the best time. The program is called Power Lab. The curriculum incorporates science experiment and great Bible stories that have made a lasting impression in my kids lives... and they will also tell you that the snack are pretty good too.
This afternoon we all went to our local Children's Museum. It is so much funner when we get to drag daddy along with us. The ratio of 1/1 is very nice... no whining " when can I go and do ( fill in the blank)" Just 2 really happy girls getting to spend the afternoon with both mom and dad!
Tomorrow after VBS we are leaving to go and visit my family in Post Falls, ID. 5 hours of driving lies before us filled with listening to books on cd, eating fruit snacks and hopefully napping... not the driver of course!
We are filling up our days all the while relying on our Heavenly Father to be our supplier and provider!
This afternoon we all went to our local Children's Museum. It is so much funner when we get to drag daddy along with us. The ratio of 1/1 is very nice... no whining " when can I go and do ( fill in the blank)" Just 2 really happy girls getting to spend the afternoon with both mom and dad!
Tomorrow after VBS we are leaving to go and visit my family in Post Falls, ID. 5 hours of driving lies before us filled with listening to books on cd, eating fruit snacks and hopefully napping... not the driver of course!
We are filling up our days all the while relying on our Heavenly Father to be our supplier and provider!
Monday, July 21, 2008
on a heavier note
Jeff went into work this morning and found out that he was laid off due to lack of business. Please pray that we would wait patiently for the Lord to answer us, that we would hear His voice and follow after Him and that through this tough situation God would be glorified and that others would come to know the Awesomeness and the Greatness of our great God and Savior placing all their hope and faith in Him.... for in Him we live, move and have our being!
In the mean time we had a nice and quiet afternoon together as a family. The girls have VBS at the church around the corner this week, so Jeff plans to spend the mornings job hunting, then we as a family have decided to go on all sorts of adventures... so stay tuned!
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God. For just as the suffering of Christ flows into our lives, so also through Christ our comfort overflows.
2 Corinthians 1:3-5
In the mean time we had a nice and quiet afternoon together as a family. The girls have VBS at the church around the corner this week, so Jeff plans to spend the mornings job hunting, then we as a family have decided to go on all sorts of adventures... so stay tuned!
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God. For just as the suffering of Christ flows into our lives, so also through Christ our comfort overflows.
2 Corinthians 1:3-5
Friday, July 18, 2008
Layne has spelled her first word phonetically other than mom and dad! Drum roll please..... and that word would be.... po d.
Can you figure out what she was spelling?! It took me a minute too, but I got it!
She keeps me on my toes at all times!
We have the Family Carnival at church tonight. The kids have been earning tickets in Sunday school to spend at the carnival. We have spent the majority of the day discussing the it and planning our attack strategy and the girls feel as though their hard earned tickets should first go to face painting and then to get a snow cone, then we will just feel out rest!
So, we are ready to go party!
Can you figure out what she was spelling?! It took me a minute too, but I got it!
She keeps me on my toes at all times!
We have the Family Carnival at church tonight. The kids have been earning tickets in Sunday school to spend at the carnival. We have spent the majority of the day discussing the it and planning our attack strategy and the girls feel as though their hard earned tickets should first go to face painting and then to get a snow cone, then we will just feel out rest!
So, we are ready to go party!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Breaking my silence
I am finally going to break my silence! Life has been super busy, yet fun filled everyday!
The girls are loving the summer sun and playing in their pool. I have enjoyed carting them off to all their play dates and visiting with all our friends!
What have we done so far this summer:
took a bus ride to Forest Park
visits to the Children's Museum
Farmers Market
Grandmother and Jesper came for a visit
play at the park
play in the backyard
eat Popsicles by the boxes
use tons of sun screen
enjoyed many wonderful BBQ's with all our terrific friends
play lots of softball
picked 15lb of strawberry's
made 10 , 16 oz containers of strawberry freezer jam
Enjoy the wonder and beauty of the Pacific Northwest
We have been truly blessed and just wanted to take a moment, count our blessings, giving all praise, glory and honor back to our wonderful Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, through whom we live and move and have our being!
The girls are loving the summer sun and playing in their pool. I have enjoyed carting them off to all their play dates and visiting with all our friends!
What have we done so far this summer:
took a bus ride to Forest Park
visits to the Children's Museum
Farmers Market
Grandmother and Jesper came for a visit
play at the park
play in the backyard
eat Popsicles by the boxes
use tons of sun screen
enjoyed many wonderful BBQ's with all our terrific friends
play lots of softball
picked 15lb of strawberry's
made 10 , 16 oz containers of strawberry freezer jam
Enjoy the wonder and beauty of the Pacific Northwest
We have been truly blessed and just wanted to take a moment, count our blessings, giving all praise, glory and honor back to our wonderful Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, through whom we live and move and have our being!
Monday, July 7, 2008
Sorry about the lack of blogging... we have been seriously busy these past few weeks! Jeff's mom, Rhonda, and friend Jesper are staying with this week.
So be patient and I will eventually get around to updating our latest and greatest adventures!
So be patient and I will eventually get around to updating our latest and greatest adventures!
Friday, June 20, 2008
Promised pictures
Here are the latest photos of us and our crazy, busy lives!!! The girls absolutely believe in living life to it fullest!
Presenting the class of 2021!!
Layne graduated from preschool... she is the one that is waving at you!

Layne, Maisen and I took a trip to Albany to visit family and friends. We had a great time but the trip home, 7 hours on a train, nearly did us in. So, in looking for ways to occupy our time Layne and I decided to take self portraits... we thought that we would share one with you.

While we were on our trip daddy was very busy rearranging the girls room... they both wanted to be on the bottom bunk, so Jeff pulled apart the beds. When we got home the girls were over joyed. They were very quick to fall asleep that night and the rule of thumb is leave sleeping children alone, but I always have to give them one last kiss before I go to bed. I first went to Maisen's bed. I felt around for her... she was not there and being the over dramatic person I am, I immediately panicked, called Jeff back and said we have lost Maisen. He calmly asked if I checked Layne's bed. No, I had not. Low and behold the sisters were snuggled up next to each other . It was really pretty cute so I snapped a picture hoping no one would wake because of the flash... they did not!

Maisen turned 3 on June 15. She was asked what she wanted to do for her birthday and replied a Chuck E Cheese birthday party with a Strawberry Shortcake, and that is what we did. She and her little friends thoroughly enjoyed themselves eating pizza, cake and playing all the fun games!

Happy Birthday Maisen!

Maisen and her bestest friend Tirus!
These 2 little ones are the world greatest friends. They call each other " honey". I try not to laugh when I hear it but every once in a while I have to chuckle.
We were driving on a country road and I looked out my window and saw the hugest, grossest toad. I made Jeff pull the car over and take a picture.
That small copper thing is a penny. Jeff wanted to make the point that this thing is a whopper.
No no he is not our pet now. We left him just was we found him.

.... and just because she is too cute for words!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Finally, after hours upon hours of swinging, Layne has learned the art of " pumping" herself. My arms are very pleased!!! She may now proceed to kindergarten where teachers do not push little darlings on the swings!
It was really cute, Layne told me as she was swinging on our little swing, "Look Mama, I can finally touch the sky!".
Now mind you, she was not swinging any higher than when we push her, but she finally felt free. She was no longer tied down by her parents lack of pushing, but is now fully capable of doing it on her own!!! Way to go Layne... swing away my precious princess!
It was really cute, Layne told me as she was swinging on our little swing, "Look Mama, I can finally touch the sky!".
Now mind you, she was not swinging any higher than when we push her, but she finally felt free. She was no longer tied down by her parents lack of pushing, but is now fully capable of doing it on her own!!! Way to go Layne... swing away my precious princess!
Friday, June 13, 2008
We've been busy...
We made it home from our trip to Albany. We had a great time playing with Darlin, going to movies and visiting wonderful friends!
Last night we celebrated Maisen's third birthday at Chuck E Cheese... a good time was had by all. We all left with a huge sugar high from the delicious Strawberry Shortcake Cake and exhausted from chasing around 7 children. But all in all it was the birthday party she wanted... God bless you my sweet Maisen. May this your third year bring you much joy and lots of new adventures!!!
Today, in other new was Layne and Maisens first trip to the dentist... I know I know I am a huge slacker when it comes to the dentist and I got my lecture today from the dentist... we will be seeing him every 6 months for the rest of our lives! Layne did amazing. She let them take x-rays, clean her teeth and due a full exam and not one tear was shed. Maisen, however, began to cry for her daddy the minute they put her in the chair. So, I sat with her and they were able to count and paint fluoride on her teeth... still I would call that a success. Way to go girls you made Mama really proud today.
After the appointment we came home and celebrated with some yummy left over birthday cake... what we are seeing the dentist in another 6 months!!!
Jeff will be downloading picture tonight of our trip and birthday party... so stay posted!
Last night we celebrated Maisen's third birthday at Chuck E Cheese... a good time was had by all. We all left with a huge sugar high from the delicious Strawberry Shortcake Cake and exhausted from chasing around 7 children. But all in all it was the birthday party she wanted... God bless you my sweet Maisen. May this your third year bring you much joy and lots of new adventures!!!
Today, in other new was Layne and Maisens first trip to the dentist... I know I know I am a huge slacker when it comes to the dentist and I got my lecture today from the dentist... we will be seeing him every 6 months for the rest of our lives! Layne did amazing. She let them take x-rays, clean her teeth and due a full exam and not one tear was shed. Maisen, however, began to cry for her daddy the minute they put her in the chair. So, I sat with her and they were able to count and paint fluoride on her teeth... still I would call that a success. Way to go girls you made Mama really proud today.
After the appointment we came home and celebrated with some yummy left over birthday cake... what we are seeing the dentist in another 6 months!!!
Jeff will be downloading picture tonight of our trip and birthday party... so stay posted!
Thursday, June 5, 2008
day of travel
Yeahhhh we made it to Albany safely after a very long train ride. We are so happy to be playing with our family... life is good!
Monday, June 2, 2008
whats up...
Wow is really all that I can say! June is here! Layne has 2 more days of preschool, then graduation on Wednesday. Thursday bright and early the girls and I get to bored a train in Seattle and go see our long lost family and friends. We are very excited to get out of good ole Marysville for a while... I have been told absence make the heart grow fonder and I definitely need to have my heart grow fonder to this funny little town we call home.
This past weekend was Jeff's men's retreat. He had an absolute blast. The girls and I went and spent Friday evening at our friends house.There were 12 moms and I believe we counted that we had 30 + children in the mix.... and we feed them all ice cream Sunday's!!! Literally they we climbing the fence from all the sugar... but a good time was had by all.
I just wanted to update all on the Harlan family adventures thus far!
This past weekend was Jeff's men's retreat. He had an absolute blast. The girls and I went and spent Friday evening at our friends house.There were 12 moms and I believe we counted that we had 30 + children in the mix.... and we feed them all ice cream Sunday's!!! Literally they we climbing the fence from all the sugar... but a good time was had by all.
I just wanted to update all on the Harlan family adventures thus far!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Layne and Maisen at play
Here are the latest photo's of my girls... aren't they adorable!!!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008
For some crazy reason Jeff was able to talk me into playing softball at church... I am thinking that now he was wishing he had never even brought up the subject of softball. We had a game tonight in the pouring down rain, yuck...I played rover... when the game finally ended I asked Jeff " what am I supposed to be doing as the rover?" He just looked at me. We were supposed to play 2 games tonight but the other team forfeited do to lack of that means we win!!! We now have won 2 games...both games did not include me playing in them. But I have hope now, understanding what a rover is supposed to do!
Go Smokey Point A team!!
Go Smokey Point A team!!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
just an update...
I can not believe how quickly May is flying by. It actually kind of scares me when I think about it... so I won't.
Life at the Harlan home is as busy as ever. Jeff is finishing up his men's study at church in a few weeks. This weekend the men in his life group are having a work day for people in our neighborhood...God has really pressed it upon Jeff's heart that in order to reach the lost... they need to have their practical needs meet first and by doing that the door is opened to conversations and can all be brought back to how faithful God is!!! I am going to give a plug here for men's only accountability groups. I have seen Jeff grow so much since joining his life group as the Christian leader of our house, as a daddy and a husband... I give credit to God who provided a group of men where they can be just that, men sharing what God is doing in their lives, the struggles that through the power of the Holy Spirit they will conquer and to spend time praying for and encouraging each other every week...Jeff I am so proud of you and am loving to watch all the great things that God is doing in you and through you!!!
Layne only has 4 more weeks of preschool that is 12 days to be exact... and boy do we have summer fever around our house. On June 4 she has her preschool graduation...I am little skeptical...but I guess its all part of the preschool experience. Today after school she said to me " Mom at 1 o'clock Avery is coming over for a tea party...could you please get that ready for us." I told her majesty that Avery's mom and I had not talked but that we would have a tea party soon. Layne is a social butterfly and always wanting to have a party of some sorts. Her favorite party is our Mango party.... Wednesday night after church we come home at eat mango's on our bed... what a party :)
Maisen and I finished up BSF today. She absolutely loved her teachers and her friends there. It was really sad to say good bye. Maisen is keeping busy with her sisters ever busy schedule of play dates and tea party's. She is always happy to go along for the ride.
I have finished up BSF as well and the Bible study I was leading at church. I am looking forward to a period of rest and rejuvenation. The girls and I planted our garden and check it everyday to see if anything has sprouted... no luck yet. For mothers day I got an upside down tomato planter... I am really excited to see how it works out. Last year my tomato's did not do so well...we hoping for a better turn out this year.
Well, I just wanted to give a little update of all the goings on here in Marysville...
I am really sorry about the lack of pictures... I struggle with computer gadgets and try as Jeff may I think I am just computer I will have him help me post some soon!!!
Life at the Harlan home is as busy as ever. Jeff is finishing up his men's study at church in a few weeks. This weekend the men in his life group are having a work day for people in our neighborhood...God has really pressed it upon Jeff's heart that in order to reach the lost... they need to have their practical needs meet first and by doing that the door is opened to conversations and can all be brought back to how faithful God is!!! I am going to give a plug here for men's only accountability groups. I have seen Jeff grow so much since joining his life group as the Christian leader of our house, as a daddy and a husband... I give credit to God who provided a group of men where they can be just that, men sharing what God is doing in their lives, the struggles that through the power of the Holy Spirit they will conquer and to spend time praying for and encouraging each other every week...Jeff I am so proud of you and am loving to watch all the great things that God is doing in you and through you!!!
Layne only has 4 more weeks of preschool that is 12 days to be exact... and boy do we have summer fever around our house. On June 4 she has her preschool graduation...I am little skeptical...but I guess its all part of the preschool experience. Today after school she said to me " Mom at 1 o'clock Avery is coming over for a tea party...could you please get that ready for us." I told her majesty that Avery's mom and I had not talked but that we would have a tea party soon. Layne is a social butterfly and always wanting to have a party of some sorts. Her favorite party is our Mango party.... Wednesday night after church we come home at eat mango's on our bed... what a party :)
Maisen and I finished up BSF today. She absolutely loved her teachers and her friends there. It was really sad to say good bye. Maisen is keeping busy with her sisters ever busy schedule of play dates and tea party's. She is always happy to go along for the ride.
I have finished up BSF as well and the Bible study I was leading at church. I am looking forward to a period of rest and rejuvenation. The girls and I planted our garden and check it everyday to see if anything has sprouted... no luck yet. For mothers day I got an upside down tomato planter... I am really excited to see how it works out. Last year my tomato's did not do so well...we hoping for a better turn out this year.
Well, I just wanted to give a little update of all the goings on here in Marysville...
I am really sorry about the lack of pictures... I struggle with computer gadgets and try as Jeff may I think I am just computer I will have him help me post some soon!!!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Layne and I have began reading together during the day (we have always read books but we made the big girl jump to big chapter books)... I am really enjoying every moment of it with her. So far this year we have read Stuart Little, Geronimo Stilton and today we just started the Borrowers. It has been so enjoyable to sit and spend quiet time with my ever-active, ever-moving daughter. Maisen will wander in, but as many of these books have no pictures, she will leave just as quickly as she sat.
We as a family made the decision to turn off our TV and set limit movie consumption... and I have to say that for my family this was the best decision... before nap time I had the opportunity to read to Layne and she fell asleep in my arms. It was wonderful... she still is my baby even if she growing up!!
We as a family made the decision to turn off our TV and set limit movie consumption... and I have to say that for my family this was the best decision... before nap time I had the opportunity to read to Layne and she fell asleep in my arms. It was wonderful... she still is my baby even if she growing up!!
Friday, April 25, 2008
worms and other joys of playing outside
Today, I finally braved my disaster of a garden... it was an absolute wreck. But never fear I have two master gardeners to help me with such a tedious task. It was such a joy to work outside with the girls. Layne has always loved to play with earthworms and today she taught her sister the joy of playing with them as well. Layne and Maisen found as many worms as possible and created a family out them. There was a mommy, a daddy, a big sister and a baby in the Harlan worm family. It was really funny to listen in on the conversation that worm family was having with one another. At one point Layne comes running over with her worm and says proudly "mom, look! I taught this one how to dance!". I look up and see this poor -little worm wiggling about frantically as it is being dangled by my beautiful blue eyed daughters fingers. We then finished our work with our first official picnic of the year!!! Three cheers for peanut butter and jelly sandwiches covered in dirt!!!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
family vacation
This week we were blessed with the opportunity to go and stay at a friends beach house. Just Layne, Maisen, Jeff and I went... this was our first ever family vacation. When we travel we are usually going to families... yes that is vacation, but this was one just involved us 4.
What a glorious time we spent watching movies, eating oreo's, playing games, visiting the beach, eating fish and chips ( well at least everyone but myself)going to the candy store... these were just a few highlights from our little excursion.
We ended our trip with a stop to Ikea... Layne's favorite store cause she get to go in the ball pit. Poor MaiMai has to watch her sister go play, while she gets to go shopping with Jeff and I. Next time we visit she will be old enough to go too and we will have freedom to shop till my little pager thing goes off!!!( off track!)
Here are a few pics of our wonderful family vacation!
What a glorious time we spent watching movies, eating oreo's, playing games, visiting the beach, eating fish and chips ( well at least everyone but myself)going to the candy store... these were just a few highlights from our little excursion.
We ended our trip with a stop to Ikea... Layne's favorite store cause she get to go in the ball pit. Poor MaiMai has to watch her sister go play, while she gets to go shopping with Jeff and I. Next time we visit she will be old enough to go too and we will have freedom to shop till my little pager thing goes off!!!( off track!)
Here are a few pics of our wonderful family vacation!
Maisen's favorite cookie...its what is keeping her weight at the hefty 27 lbs :)
Climbing to the top of the lookout tower...I did not make it up there as I am deathly afraid of heights!
Gave them these...are still wiping the sticky residue off their faces. The view from the loft of the house!!!
Thank you Milans... we loved your house and our time of rest! May the Lord richly bless your family!
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Spring has finally sprung!!!!!!
It was a gorgeous 75 degrees today...
So, we decided to wash the cars with help from the girls. They were so excited to play in the water with their swimsuits on. Layne loved playing in the water with the hose. Maisen, however, was a little more reserved but enjoyed every minute of being outside.

We then finished our playing outside with a visit from our friendly neighborhood ice cream man!!! What a treat!

So, we decided to wash the cars with help from the girls. They were so excited to play in the water with their swimsuits on. Layne loved playing in the water with the hose. Maisen, however, was a little more reserved but enjoyed every minute of being outside.

We then finished our playing outside with a visit from our friendly neighborhood ice cream man!!! What a treat!

Sunday, April 6, 2008
camping.... kind of
Well, last night was the Harlan family first experience at camping out in our living room. We had a lovely time watching Lady and the Tramp while eating homemade popcorn.
Layne thought that is was the coolest that she could be trying to sleep while lying on the floor watching a movie. Maisen on the other hand just would not sit for a second.
The movie was finished and lights out. The girls feel asleep right away, as it was 2 hours past there bedtime. I had a hard time falling to sleep, our floor is really hard. Jeff, however waited until he thought we were all asleep and snuck back to our bed and went to sleep... He woke up nice and cheery. I woke up with a severely stiff neck and back. But the memories that we have are priceless treasures.
Jeff took a picture of me and the girls sleeping... try to figure out who is who!
Layne thought that is was the coolest that she could be trying to sleep while lying on the floor watching a movie. Maisen on the other hand just would not sit for a second.
The movie was finished and lights out. The girls feel asleep right away, as it was 2 hours past there bedtime. I had a hard time falling to sleep, our floor is really hard. Jeff, however waited until he thought we were all asleep and snuck back to our bed and went to sleep... He woke up nice and cheery. I woke up with a severely stiff neck and back. But the memories that we have are priceless treasures.
Jeff took a picture of me and the girls sleeping... try to figure out who is who!

Saturday, April 5, 2008
Jeff is now a blogger
My crazy husband has decided to join the blogger world... he graciously placed a link to his blog on mine. So you'll have to check out his funny, random thoughts.
News from the Harlan family: Tonight is family camp-out aka we are attempting to camp out on the floor in the living room, watch movies and eat lotsa popcorn. Who know how it will turn out... but we should make some good memories at least. Jeff, still does not know why we should sleep on the floor in our own house where we all have perfectly wonderful beds. I told him that this is as close to camping as I get so enjoy!
We have spring break this week. So, no preschool or Bible study... we are hoping to go no where. My goals are to dig up the garden, clean the back yard toys and convince the grass to grow. ( I am not sure how to this but will come up with something)
News from the Harlan family: Tonight is family camp-out aka we are attempting to camp out on the floor in the living room, watch movies and eat lotsa popcorn. Who know how it will turn out... but we should make some good memories at least. Jeff, still does not know why we should sleep on the floor in our own house where we all have perfectly wonderful beds. I told him that this is as close to camping as I get so enjoy!
We have spring break this week. So, no preschool or Bible study... we are hoping to go no where. My goals are to dig up the garden, clean the back yard toys and convince the grass to grow. ( I am not sure how to this but will come up with something)
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
green beans....
Anyone who knows my precious little Maisen knows that she HATES all vegetables, though her dad and I have tried to everything to get her to eat them... she gags and throws them right back up. But tonight a break through. She had one green bean sitting on her said " MaiMai (that's what we call her) you eat this one bean and you can get down." There were a lot of tears and plenty of almost throwing ups but she conquered and finally at the age of 2 3/4 years my lovely daughter has eaten her first vegetable. We are so proud!
Other news from Maisens world, she had a dry pull up on all day. She really is growing up quiet nicely.
Jeff is attempting to resurrect our back yard. We decided on the last day possible last fall to rototill the backyard and plant grass...well lets just say we have a whole lota dirt and a little bit of grass. So, Jeff, Layne and Maisen began tonight the long process of coaxing our grass into growing. Hopefully, soon we can post some pictures!
Other news from Maisens world, she had a dry pull up on all day. She really is growing up quiet nicely.
Jeff is attempting to resurrect our back yard. We decided on the last day possible last fall to rototill the backyard and plant grass...well lets just say we have a whole lota dirt and a little bit of grass. So, Jeff, Layne and Maisen began tonight the long process of coaxing our grass into growing. Hopefully, soon we can post some pictures!
Sunday, March 30, 2008
A person is a person no matter how small!!!!
Today was our Family's Horton Hears a Who day. We started our morning off by going to our local IHOP for Horton pancakes. The girls screamed with delight when the waitress brought pink and purple frosted pancakes sprinkled with mini M&M's with a pink bubblegum sucker sticking out of the pile of pancakes. They ate and ate till the sugar hit. We wondered if they would be able to sit through the movie with all the sugar rushing through them... they did just fine.

I asked Layne what her favorite part of the movie was....she said all of it. My squirmy, fidgety 2 year made it through the movie. That was a miracle as she really does not sit for anything other than BOZ or the Incredible's.
My favorite part was the ending line... remember A person is a person no matter how small!!!!
It was such a blessing to spend the day with my sweet little ladies and my wonderful husband. I was reminded today how truly blessed I am to have my family.

I asked Layne what her favorite part of the movie was....she said all of it. My squirmy, fidgety 2 year made it through the movie. That was a miracle as she really does not sit for anything other than BOZ or the Incredible's.
My favorite part was the ending line... remember A person is a person no matter how small!!!!
It was such a blessing to spend the day with my sweet little ladies and my wonderful husband. I was reminded today how truly blessed I am to have my family.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Merry Christmas!.... I mean happy late Easter
This picture was taken this morning... March 29th.

This morning it was snowing again and Layne informed me that it was 2 days till Christmas.. No no Layne. Poor kid can't figure out what season it is. A week ago it was sunny and 60 degrees and she wanted her swimsuit and the sprinkler.
Here are a few pictures from our Easter egg hunt at a friends house.
Maisen was the only girl hunting for eggs! Layne was home sick with the flu!
And there Off!!!

Look at all my eggs!

Layne loves her swim lessons!

This morning it was snowing again and Layne informed me that it was 2 days till Christmas.. No no Layne. Poor kid can't figure out what season it is. A week ago it was sunny and 60 degrees and she wanted her swimsuit and the sprinkler.
Here are a few pictures from our Easter egg hunt at a friends house.
Maisen was the only girl hunting for eggs! Layne was home sick with the flu!
And there Off!!!

Look at all my eggs!

Layne loves her swim lessons!

Friday, March 28, 2008
No diapers! Why Momma?
Thus is the plee from my almost 3 yr old when I announced this morning that I would no longer be suppling them! OH the tears! Oh the drama! But my how fashionable she looks in her bright yellow princess panties... let the potty training adventures start!( finally)
We are slowly starting to get over the yuckies at our house and are hoping for warm weather that we can go out in play in... but currently it snowing and really cold. My poor little tulips I hope that they can survive such cold weather!
Stay tuned till next time when I may have actually learned how to upload pictures off my camera without the help of my darling Husband ands showcase the latest adventures of the girls!
We are slowly starting to get over the yuckies at our house and are hoping for warm weather that we can go out in play in... but currently it snowing and really cold. My poor little tulips I hope that they can survive such cold weather!
Stay tuned till next time when I may have actually learned how to upload pictures off my camera without the help of my darling Husband ands showcase the latest adventures of the girls!
Monday, March 24, 2008
Sorry !
Sorry that we have not updated...
We are all under the weather and I left my camera at a friends house. I should get it back soon and hopefully the snotty noses will clear up !
We are all under the weather and I left my camera at a friends house. I should get it back soon and hopefully the snotty noses will clear up !
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
A New Blog
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